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An Example of How I Work With Clients

I provide 2 core services for clients:

Step 1: I help provide educational resources and learning opportunities.

Step 2: I provide coaching using questions to guide them in coming up with answers for their unique situation.

Below is a scenario based on a client having issues with employees and attention to detail in their daily tasks...

Step 1: Providing educational resources to help the client better understand an area of concern they are working on. Most SMB owners do not have an MBA and don't have the time or desire to get one. So, I help with just in time learning using resources like our free tool "My Business Report" to help pinpoint areas to focus.

Here is an example of some learning we can provide. This might be a livestream event or a full-level course with me facilitating the learning on a topic like the following:

As a small business owner, you know that attention to detail is crucial to your success. From the quality of your product or service to the way you interact with customers, every aspect of your business matters. When it comes to managing a team of employees, attention to detail becomes even more important. Here are a few key points to consider when it comes to managing a team with a focus on attention to detail:

  1. Clearly communicate the vision and values of your company: Your team should understand the goals and values of your business. This helps them understand why attention to detail matters and how it ties into the overall mission of the company.

  2. Set clear expectations: Make sure your team knows what is expected of them in terms of their job duties and the level of detail required. This can help prevent mistakes and ensure that everyone is working towards the same high standards.

  3. Provide ongoing training and support: As your business grows, you may need to bring on new employees or promote current team members to new roles. Make sure they have the training and support they need to succeed in their new roles and understand the importance of attention to detail.

  4. Reward and recognize good work: When team members go above and beyond in paying attention to detail, make sure to recognize and reward their efforts. This can help motivate others to follow suit and can foster a culture of excellence in your company.

Overall, managing a team with a focus on attention to detail is crucial to the success of your business. By clearly communicating your vision and values, setting clear expectations, providing ongoing training and support, and recognizing and rewarding good work, you can help ensure that your team is focused on the details that matter most to your company.

Step 2: Here are 7 key questions I might ask a client to help them develop an action plan to address the issue:

  1. What's on your mind? I might ask about their concerns and goals related to managing their team and the importance of attention to detail in their business.

  2. And what else? I could ask the client to explore other factors that may be impacting their thoughts and feelings about managing their team and the role of attention to detail.

  3. What do you want? I could help the client clarify their desired outcomes related to managing their team and the importance of attention to detail in their business.

  4. How will you know when you're successful? I could help the client identify specific indicators of success related to managing their team and the role of attention to detail.

  5. What's the real challenge here for you? I could help the client identify any underlying challenges or obstacles that may be preventing them from effectively managing their team and focusing on attention to detail.

  6. What can you do about it? I could work with the client to generate potential solutions and strategies for overcoming these challenges and achieving their desired outcomes.

  7. What action will you take? I could help the client create a plan for implementing the chosen solution and taking action to achieve their goals.

Please schedule a time if you would like to discuss how I might help you.

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