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Empowering Gen Z for the Future of Work: Adapting Career-Connected Learning in the Age of AI

The rise of AI is transforming the workforce, and entry-level jobs are at risk of displacement. The New York Times reported that investment banks are debating how deep they can cut their incoming analyst classes to replace them with AI tools. This trend raises pressing questions about the future of entry-level jobs and the training needed to land them.

Early-career jobs are critical in helping workers test occupations and industries, build domain knowledge, and lay the foundation for family-sustaining career paths. While some argue that AI may transform entry-level roles for the better, replacing mundane tasks with higher-value work, others predict a more profound disruption. The Oliver Wyman Forum warns of "front line collapse" (automation and elimination of entry-level roles) or "juniorization" (entry-level employees leveraging AI replacing frontline managers).

To prepare for this uncertain future, employers must adapt their training programs to empower Gen Z workers. This requires reimagining entry-level jobs and providing early-career workers with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in an AI-driven workforce. Career-connected learning and work-based training are critical components of this approach.

Retail leaders emphasize the value of hands-on experience in a store environment, developing first-hand knowledge from customer interactions to stocking shelves. IBM's Nickle LaMoreaux highlights the potential of AI to enhance on-the-job skill development, bringing people up the learning curve faster.

By partnering with education and training providers, employers can invest in training for early-career workers and provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive. Early Career Coach services can help develop work-based learning programs that leverage professional skills development to empower Gen Z.

The future of work is uncertain, but one thing is clear: early-career jobs are poised to change forever. Employers, education providers, and training programs must work together to ensure this change is for the better. By embracing career-connected learning and work-based training, we can empower Gen Z workers to succeed in an ever-changing work environment.

Call to Action: Partner with Early Career Coach to develop work-based learning programs that empower Gen Z for the future of work. Together, we can transform early-career pathways and build a workforce ready for the challenges and opportunities of the future.

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