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So How Do I Coach Employees?

As small business owners, it's essential to have a team that is productive and motivated. However, the statistics show that only 23 percent of employees feel that coaching sessions have had a positive effect on their work performance. This begs the question: how can we improve the effectiveness of coaching in the workplace?

There are several common issues that can lead to unproductive work habits in a team. For example, if your team members constantly defer decisions to you, they may lose motivation and feel a lack of agency. Similarly, if you are overwhelmed with work, it can be difficult for your team to get the support and guidance they need. Additionally, if you're not sure which tasks are the most important, it can be challenging for your team to prioritize their work effectively.

To address these issues, it's essential to develop a coaching habit. Instead of scheduling infrequent, formal coaching sessions, try to coach your employees for ten minutes every day in an informal setting. This way, coaching becomes a regular part of the workday and you can always be in "coaching" mode.

A coaching habit will help you guide your employees towards self-sufficiency and ensure that you and your team are focused on the work that matters most. Instead of constantly putting out small fires, try to look for areas in which your team can grow and become more effective.

Remember, the goal of coaching is development, not just performance. By empowering your team to improve and grow, you'll create a more productive and motivated workforce.

So what does good coaching in the workplace look like?

  • Good coaching involves listening actively to your team members and asking open-ended questions to help them think through problems and come up with their own solutions. It's about empowering them to find their own answers, rather than simply telling them what to do.

  • Good coaching also involves setting clear goals and expectations for your team, and helping them to develop a plan to achieve those goals. This might include setting benchmarks and providing feedback along the way.

  • Good coaching involves providing support and encouragement to your team, helping them to build their confidence and competence. It's about helping them to see their strengths and areas for improvement, and providing them with the resources and guidance they need to grow.

  • Good coaching is flexible and adaptable to the needs of your team. It should be tailored to the individual needs of each team member, taking into account their unique skills and challenges.

Overall, good coaching is about creating a positive and supportive work environment that helps your team to thrive and reach their full potential. By taking the time to coach your team regularly, you can foster a culture of continuous learning and development that benefits everyone.

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