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The 3 Stages of Successful Product Development Leading to Business Success: Insight from Tony Fadell

Tony Fadell is a well-known inventor, entrepreneur, and investor who has had a successful career in the technology industry. One of his most famous contributions is his concept of "product development versions," which he has described as a framework for creating successful products.

According to Fadell, there are three stages of product development: build, fix, and optimize. Each stage has its own set of goals and challenges, and understanding these stages can help product teams to make better decisions and achieve better results.

The first stage, build, is all about creating a minimum viable product (MVP). This is a product that has the core features that are necessary for it to be useful, but it may not yet be fully polished or complete. The goal of the build stage is to get something out the door as quickly as possible, so that the team can start collecting feedback and learning from users.

The second stage, fix, is all about improving the product based on the feedback that the team has received. This stage is all about fixing the problems and bugs that users have encountered, as well as adding new features and functionality based on user requests. The goal of the fix stage is to create a product that is reliable and easy to use, and that meets the needs of its target audience.

The third stage, optimize, is all about refining the product to make it as effective as possible. This may involve adding new features, improving the user experience, or optimizing the product for specific use cases. The goal of the optimize stage is to create a product that is as close to perfect as possible, and that is able to stand the test of time.

Fadell's concept of product development versions is a helpful framework for understanding the different stages of product development and business sustainability. By understanding the goals and challenges of each stage, product teams can make better decisions and create products that are successful in the market which leads to increased possibility of a successful business. This concept applies to businesses large and small, so when you are SMB owner it's about persistence and focus on creating a business, not just a product or service.

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